Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Wonderful World of Intramurals

I love sports, though I’m not especially talented at just one. Admiring my older brother play hockey, I made up my mind that I was going to play too. However, my lack of hand-eye coordination proved a minor handicap. For a while I thought I was pretty good at soccer, but the professional dream died when I was 15 and still playing house league. Next, I decided that I would be perfect for varsity rowing: I’m competitive, a good swimmer (just in case the boat tipped), and ridiculously enthusiastic even in the most hopeless of situations. That ship sunk when I realized my weakness: I like sleeping too much. So what’s a gal like me supposed to do for a little playful competition? Then it donned on me: intramural sports!

McGill’s fifteen intramural leagues allow students, staff and alumni of all calibers to get a bit sweaty and have a lot of fun. Last semester I played on an indoor soccer team with a few friends and although I was significantly less skilled than my teammates, I had a blast! Even though we were playing in the lowest level, we showed up at every match in coordinated t-shirts, running shoes laced up tight, and our game faces on. If you’re thinking, “Well, I’ve never played any of these sports before, so I won’t sign up,” then you are missing out on the purpose of intramurals. Our goalie had never played soccer before and our captain had kicked a ball maybe twice in her life. Your level of experience is irrelevant. The most important thing is your willingness to try something new and your determination to have a great time!

Still not sold yet on joining an intramural team? That’s cool. Consider maybe a pickup game of volleyball, badminton, basketball or soccer. Squash and tennis courts are also available if you have a friend to join you on the trek up to the Sports Complex. If you’re like me and prefer winter sports, don’t fret! Before the outdoor rinks are set up and the cold temperatures set in, check out the McConnell Arena for recreational skating and shinny hockey. They even have regular timeslots for figure skating!

Just because you’re not a Redman or a Martlet, doesn’t mean you’re a benchwarmer! Gather your friends, roommates, lab partners, and even that guy who sits behind you in history class to create a team. Intramurals can be a great way to loosen up and make new friends. Also, the winning team gets a championship mug!

Handy links:
McConnell Arena Schedule
Top 11 Things You Need to Know About the McGill Sports Complex
McGill Athletics - Recreation 

Fun fact: One in five McGill students is on an intramural team! Are you one of them? Leave a comment below telling me your favourite thing about intramurals!

-Martlet Girl

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fill the Stadium doesn't disappoint

Well, we’re back! Our carefree summer days have been replaced once again by classes, conferences and labs. However, the beginning of September also means the start of school sports! Last Friday night, McGill’s Redmen football team squared off against the Mount Allison Mounties in the annual “Fill the Stadium” game at Molson Stadium. The pre-game party began outside the field gates with cheap food, drinks, live music and good friends. Red Thunder was there in full force and for many it was their first varsity event! During the hour-long festivities before kickoff, the swarm of red grew as first-year rezzies trickled in, fresh-faced and eager, while the upperclassmen reunited with old friends.

To the cymbal clashes and celebration themes of McGill’s Fight Band, the first quarter started the game off with a bang and shot the Redmen into the lead with 25 points over Mount A’s zero. The atmosphere at this game was one of the best I’ve seen at Redmen football and definitely helped push our boys to nab another ten points in the second quarter. Marty the Martlet pumped up the crowd, Red Thunder with red and white face paint led the 2,000+ fans in chants and there was even a guy in a red morph suit running around. Whether you follow Redmen football religiously or have never seen a pigskin before, anyone and everyone at this game had a spectacular time.

Fans took a bit of a shower at the beginning of the third quarter when lightning ignited the sky and buckets of cold water fell on the field. We rushed to the upper bleachers and huddled together to brave the chilly winds while Fight Band kept our spirits up. The weather caused a delay in the game with only a few minutes left in the third. That filtered out the weak as only the most hardcore of fans stayed to reapply their war paint and toss on a jacket to keep our team going strong. The rain, wind and goose bumps were all worth it when McGill devastated Mount Allison 36-9, breaking the Redmen’s 23-game losing streak! History was made that night, guys. And it was epic!

Interested in other varsity sports? Check out the schedule of upcoming games on the McGill Athletics and Recreation website: http://www.mcgill.ca/athletics/newsroom/events/?channels=varsity_sports

Up this week: Pack the Pitch Thursday September 20 featuring the Soccer Redmen and Martlets vs U of Montreal. Pop vs. Jock Charity Basketball! Arcade Fire and their team of musical friends take on the best of the Redmen-Stinger team in an effort to raise a few bucks: http://popmontreal.com/events-tickets/pop-vs-jock/

Until next time,

- Martlet Girl