Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Stressed out? Swim it out!

Midterms are nobody’s friend. In fact, they’re really an enemy. They cause us to stress out, loose sleep and sometimes go crazy. It’s a season that everyone dreads and we beg to be over. During this time, most of us fall off our exercise schedules and some even turn to comfort foods to unwind (guilty!). I know I’m not alone on this, but when that happens to me, I feel even worse!

This midterm season, I’ve tried to stick to going to the gym a couple times a week. One of my favourite stress-relieving activities is swimming. For those of you who don’t have a gym membership, this is a perfect choice because you don’t need one! The Memorial Pool is open to all students and there’s plenty of recreational swim time throughout the day to accommodate your study schedule (check out the pool sched here!). I love swimming because it works every muscle in my body without having to set a foot in the gym! I’ve been swimming since I was kid and I have fond memories of my years on the summer swim team at my local pool. I’ve teamed up with a friend from those formative years who conveniently goes to McGill and we head to the pool every Friday afternoon. The routine and company is awesome and it makes it easier to keep each other motivated. It’s a great break from the books and adds a social aspect to exercise. The pool lanes are divided based on speed (slow, medium, fast) and it’s a relaxed atmosphere, which is just what I need during midterms. A huge plus is that there’s no time limit! The machines in the gym are restricted to 30 minutes, but you have the stamina to swim for two hours, go for it!

Next time you need a break from studying, grab your swimsuit and a friend and head to the pool.

P.S. Don’t forget your goggles!

- Martlet Girl

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

More than just a place to exercise

The McGill Sports Centre is a wondrous place. The building is huge! I had an exam there last winter and I nearly got lost. I was working my buns for quite a while going up a long spiralling staircase to find the classroom. I guess there’s no escaping exercise no matter what you’re there for, right? And people go through those turnstiles for a multitude of reasons: exercise, team meetings, work, injury, class – wait, ‘injury’? Yep, you heard me. Not only does the Sports Centre house the Department of Athletics, Phys. Ed. students, a ginormous gymnasium, the Memorial Pool, the Tomlinson Fieldhouse, the Fitness Centre, and squash courts, it is the home to the McGill Sports Medicine Clinic. In my opinion, this is one of the most amazing places amidst many at the Sports Centre. I have become quite familiar with the Sports Clinic over the course of my time at McGill and I can tell you that in this special corner on the third floor you will find the kindest, most fantastic group of people around. From the front desk to the therapists to the doctors, you can trust that you’ll be in good hands, no matter your injury.

Last year, I was paying a visit to my physiotherapist every week for nearly three months to help me with my third sprained ankle. You know what they say: “Third time’s the charm.” True enough, that time I actually ripped a tendon, whereas the other two had just been strains. A couple crutches, many bags of ice, some fun exercises and an ankle brace later, I was as good as new.

However, there’s another proverb that characterizes my injury history: “Not all good things last forever.” I consider myself a lucky person in many aspects of life, though with injuries not so much. This summer, not even a year later, I fractured my spine cliff jumping out west. In terms of the injury, it could have been a lot worse, but still, who breaks their back?! So, I spent two months in a rather colourful back brace and I’ve been in physiotherapy now since the beginning of term. I guess one shouldn’t be happy to go somewhere called a “clinic” every week, as it usually implies the sick and injured. But for me, this place means healing, recovery and support. I don’t know how I would have made it through the last month and a half without the Sports Medicine Clinic and its incredible staff. As I go through my recovery of tricky exercises, swimming, yoga, massages and heat wraps, I’m constantly reminded that healing requires a lot of patience. It’s hard not to jump ahead of myself in my attempt to get back to my previous level of activity, but as I slowly inch toward my goal, I’m guided by strong hands and smiling faces.

On behalf of all injured, to-be injured, and previously-injured students, staff and members of the community, I’d like to thank the staff at the McGill Sports Medicine Clinic for making our lives and roads to recovery easier, smoother, and safer.

- Martlet Girl

Monday, October 15, 2012

The 'Lazy Bike' ain't so lazy

So, I went to the gym for the first time this week. Now I know what you're thinking: "Only your FIRST time?!" Well in my defense, I've always been more sports-inclined versus treadmill-inclined. I love being active and organized sports were always readily available throughout my childhood, so I never really considered the gym as a place to work out. However, my ability to play sports right now is slightly hindered due to an injury from a few months back and it's always good to switch up routine, right? So off to the gym I went.

To be honest, I felt like a bit of a noob. I had no idea where to scan my ID, where any machines were located, or if any were even available! My physiotherapist says I'm only allowed on the stationary bikes, so I looked around at the vast selection and made up my mind: the recumbent bike. Selecting based on comfort due to injury, I was surprised when what I thought to be the 'lazy bike' had me sweating like a pig five minutes into my workout! Throughout my 45-minute cycle, the heart rate monitor was flashing, the total distance kept rising and my speed, well, it decreased a little bit (c'mon, a girl's bound to get a little tired). However, I was spurred on by the sight of other active students pushing their bodies to the limit. By the end, sure I was super sweaty, but I felt awesome! I always thought going to the gym would be boring and monotonous, but it was actually pretty fun! I had some good tunes going and it felt great to try something new.

Now that I've ventured into the gym, I realized there are a few dos and don’ts that newbies need to know before pulling on their running shoes for the first time.

DO: Bring a towel. You’re going to get pretty sweaty (and they won’t let you in without one).
DON’T: Be nervous or feel like a noob. Everyone went through the same experience at some point!
DO: Bring a full water bottle. There’s nothing worse than having to stop your workout to refill.
DON’T: Wear muddy shoes. If you last went for a run on Mt Royal on a rainy Sunday morning, wash off the mud before you go to the gym as a courtesy to the other gym users who enjoy a clean environment.
DO: Wipe down your machine after use with the towels and spray bottles provided.
DO: Go in the middle of the day to avoid pre- and post-class crowds.

My favourite part about the gym: the stretching space! The staircase on the right-hand side after you walk in leads to a platform overlooking the workout space. Up here you’ll find mats galore and exercise balls. It’s the perfect spot for a post-workout stretch and ab exercises!

P.S. Next time you see a girl huffing and puffing on a 'lazy bike,' try one yourself! It's always fun to try something different.

-Martlet Girl

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mount Royal: The Natural Stairmaster

Thanksgiving is my favourite long weekend of them all. There's just something about the autumn leaves, family coming together, and the comforting scent of fresh apple pie. Growing up, my family would gather at my cabin north of Montreal for some turkey as we packed up the place for the winter. Keeping to tradition, my grandma, the matriarch of the family, rallied the family complete with all the cousins, aunts and uncles to perform the cabin-closing rituals. I was super excited to head up north on Saturday because it always means vibrant leaves, chilly lake water and incredible food. First on the agenda is taking in the dock, which dismantles into about seven pieces and then is brought onto shore before the snow falls and the lake freezes. For some reason, there is always confusion as to how it should be done: "Didn't we do it differently last year?" "No, I think this part comes out first..." "Was it always this heavy?!" As everyone grows older, the responsibility is passed down to the younger generation. Taking apart the original dock my grandpa made is not an easy task, especially when trying to avoid filling my waders with cold lake water! But it's a tradition and a piece of family history that will never change. Once warmed up from a little heavy lifting, the family splits up into pre- and post-production teams (the "pre" group preps the feast, "post" group is on clean up). I was on post-production this year so I went for a short hike.

We often get into a rhythm in the city and forget about the wonders of the great outdoors, and my, are these wonders wonderful! Beyond the city limits lie endless amounts of adventures. The opportunities to be active outside the confines of the monotonous treadmill or lukewarm waters of the Memorial Pool are certainly few, but their rarity make them all the more exceptional. I love walking through the bright yellow birch and rich green pines, feeling the crunch of leaves as I step over a rock, and hearing the squish of the damp moss below my feet. The crisp, cool air keeps the sweat away and as I climb higher up the hill, I can see my breath below my nose. Stored in my muscles are memories of hiking in the Rockies all summer and I keep thinking, "This is so much more fun than the Stairmaster!" Besides, the outdoors are a natural gym!

"I can see campus from here!"
The view from the top of Mt Royal 
Many of us go to the gym regularly because it is convenient and when you team up with a friend or join a class, it's pretty fun. However, for the sake of our sanity, it's important to switch it up every so often. We don't all have the chance to go up to a cabin by the lake every weekend, but we do live in a fantastic city that has an incredible amount of green space. If you haven't taken a walk, bike ride or jog up Mount Royal yet, I strongly suggest you do so. The fall colours are spectacular, the sounds of city are muted by the towering trees and the feel of the gravel and mud beneath your shoes or tires is much more satisfying than the whirring of a stationary bike or the swish of the elliptical. And winter approaching doesn't mean the end of outdoor activities either! Outdoor rinks are not in short supply in this town and the mountain is perfect for tobogganing, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and good ol' fashioned walking (they plow the main path). Besides, a little fresh air never hurt anyone!

Don't have anyone to venture out with? Make some new friends with the McGill Outdoors Club!

See ya on the mountain!

- Martlet Girl

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Who is Martlet Girl?

Who is Martlet Girl? This is a question maybe a few of you have asked yourselves in reading this blog. Well, if you're a female student enrolled at McGill who is somewhat interested in being active, you are Martlet Girl. If you are a female varsity athlete, you are Martlet Girl. If you are a girl who goes to the gym once a month for the odd spin class, you are Martlet Girl. If you don't even know where the Sports Complex is but you want to find out, you are Martlet Girl! No matter your major, no matter your sport, you are Martlet Girl. That is the beauty of her. She's all of us. So, every few weeks, I'll post a profile of a real Martlet Girl to let you know a bit more about who I am!

This week, I am Sarah:

Name: Sarah
Hometown: Calgary, AB
Major & year: Voice performance, U1
What's your favourite sport?
Basketball. It's a fun and active team sport.
How often do you use the McGill Sports Complex?
Ummmm... not too often. I should probably go more.
What is your favourite food?
CARROTS are probably my favourite snack food. I'd eat them whenever.
What's your favourite workout song?
Strong Will Continue by Nas & Damian Marley
Any guilty pleasures?
Netflix haha
What are your hobbies?
Music and horseback riding.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A music teacher.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I'd like to go to Italy. It is a beautiful country with lots of interesting architecture. And I would love to one day sing on an Italian Opera stage.
Have you ever been injured in sports?
Yes, I've been injured a few times. Once was while I was riding. I don't remember how it happened, all I remember is that I was going over a jump. Then the next thing I remember I was outside of the barns with a wicked headache. So I had to go to the hospital and get a CAT scan. I had a minor concussion.
If you could try any sport or activity that you've never done before, what would it be?
Tumbling. How cool would it be to be able to flip through the air??

Are you a Martlet Girl? Want to be featured on the blog? Drop me an email at martletgirl.mcgill@gmail.com!

See ya next week!

- Martlet Girl